Sophia is Two!

Two years today we brought her home, and everyone fell in love with her…

She loved to sleep and cuddle…

And was so chubby and yummy…

There was nothing I could do, she kept growing up…

We celebrated her 1st birthday at the cottage last year (because it was actually WARM last year in May!)

And now, a brief year later, she’s 2!  And today on her birthday, seen here ready to blow out the candles on her birthday pie… oh my Sophy, my Dophy, you have us all wrapped around your little finger.  I’m never sure whether you really don’t know, or you are aware of how much power you really have…

Either way, I love you, we all love you and you make the world a magical place for us all.
I thank the Lord everyday for you!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetiepie!

Crazy Cannucks

It’s been said that to go swimming in Lake Huron on the Victoria Day weekend is a one-in-a-million chance – at least this  is what our little 9-year-old neighbour girl told me this weekend at the cottage.     She didn’t bring her bathing suit because she obviously felt the odds were not in her favour, I didn’t bring my bathing suit because I knew the odds would not be in my favour, in fact I bet that most people in cottage country along Lake Huron did not bring their bathing suits. 

This is probably due to the fact that cold and rainy has been the only thing on the menu this month. 

But my boys, well they did bring their bathing suits this weekend with full intentions on beating those odds and they did.  They went swimming in water that couldn’t have been much more than 60 degrees.     That’s just my  educated guess from when I stuck my big toe in.  It really felt as though if it were a few degrees cooler the lake would probably be solid, as in ice.  My little crazy Canucks.   And I would have loved to shown you a picture, but their mother is equally as crazy and deleted all her pictures off her camera before I copied them to my computer because I thought they were duplicate.  They were not duplicate.

Erik and Will were just as crazy though when they went swimming in our pool tonight and I know that it was cold,  67 degrees… very very cold.  I felt the need to bundle up just watching them.

What’s the problem? It’s just cold water.

Taking it to another level and actually jumping into it for fun.

Well I guess there’s no point in being young if you can’t be crazy once in a while.  I love these crazy little Canucks of mine!

Me Too!

These are Sophy’s favourite words right now.  If she thinks anyone is going anywhere or doing anything, she immedicately pipes up,   “Me too?”   Or if she KNOWS something is going on it’s a more forceful, “ME TOO?”   This morning Jason told me to put William on a plane so he could get to the Dagobah system for some Jedi training and as always Sophia was right there with a “me too!”.  But somehow I just can’t see Sophia as a Jedi.

Here are a few more babies screaming, “Me too, ME TOO!”


Since I finally had my camera AND remembered to take pictures at my parent’s house… here is my neice Katy!  Sweet little Katykins, she has the best smile and I love how she is always so happy to see us.  She melts my heart, especially with her super-big smile.

Here she is with her dad, my brother…

She’s very huggable and smoochable.  So is this one…

Sophia and cousin Tyler were quite happy to swing and swing and swing and swing and swing.  And get pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed.   Thankfully that was Oma’s job…

Now Sarah – earlier this day we stopped by friends who have horses.  We went out in the paddock with about 7 horses and Sarah was not scared of these horses at all and was happy wandering around patting all of them.      So now she says that when she is an adult she is going to have a black horse named Black Beauty.  I don’t doubt it.

This is more Sophia’s style… on a snail no less.   Just right for her.

And last, I’ll leave you with a picture of my gang.  My gang who is growing up so fast.   Does this make you sad?  Me too!

Whats New

Well since it’s been so long since my last post, there is a ton I could post about.  For instance I could post about what a nice relaxing  mother’s day I had and about the power-point presentation Erik made me as well as all the wonderful cards the kids gave to me.   And I could post about Jason’s birthday which was on Tuesday and how much we enjoyed celebrating that (as well as enjoying the the extra delicious cheese-cake his mom made for him).     But instead I think I will post about the newest addition to my side of the family… a sweet little girly born early Thursday morning, who I was thrilled to meet later that day…

Here she is,  sweet little Isabella, daughter to my youngest brother Dan and his wife Jenilynn…

And with proud mom in the background…

And looking like the little dolly she is…

She seemed like such a little peanut to me, me who gives birth to 10 lb children… I guess  it would stand to reason that little 7 lb 4 ounces of baby would seem SOOO tiny to me.    But it’s very good for me to get my baby fix, because I figured out while I was driving down to see her that in my heart of hearts I do want another baby.  But even though my heart says yes, my head says ‘NO’ even louder.  Probably something to do with my age, how achy and sore I was with Sophia and that it’s just time for this family to move on.

But I’m prefectly happy to enjoy other people’s babies and I’m looking foward to seeing Isabella again!

I’m a caver…

As in, I tend to give in to my children.  If they ask for something and I can’t think of a good reason to say ‘no’ I typically say ‘yes’ – to Jason’s chagrin.    But in my defense I will say ‘no’ when it really counts or when I really have too.  It’s tough, but I power through.  So back to me giving in to my children, this is how they went to sleep last night…

 Erik and Will together in a play-tent that is WAY to small for them on their floor in their room and…

Sarah and Sophia squished together in Sarahs’ toddler bed. 

And even crazier than me letting them doing this – when I thought for sure that I’d be having to seperate them – is that they all fell asleep like the little angels they are.  Well sometimes they are angels, sometimes they are the opposite of angels but last night they for some reason didn’t distract each other and fell asleep rather promptly.   

I think it’s because they are’t dumb and didn’t want to ruin a good thing when they had it.   Nighty-night!

One of the reasons why I love Jason

I actually have something to talk about today and this is surprising when you consider before I went to sleep last night I was bemoaning the fact that today was going to be boring, a cool raining Monday with nowhere to go and two little girls to entertain.  Even the news about Osama Bin Laden late last night didn’t really seem exciting enough to change my mood, although Jason said it’s probably another conspiracy and he’s probably hanging out somewhere now with Elvis and probably Micheal Jackson, yeah probably.     

But in any event,  things weren’t boring at 2:00 when Sarah came in to say that Sophia needed me, poor Sophia who couldn’t even cry she was so raspy, and was having problems breathing.   Thankfully  Jason kept his head while I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and he suggested taking her outside into the cool air in case it was croup, and that did help some.   Tele-health helped even more when they called the ambulance because the nurse didn’t like the sound of her breathing and everyone knows that as soon as you call the ambulance things improve.  Thankfully the paramedics were very kind, took Sophia and I to the hospital just to make sure.  Yup, the doctors said it was croup, gave her a shot of steroids and sent us home.  Phew… it is so wonderful to have access to health care when you need it!  And to be treated with such kindness was another gift, especially when you are worried about coming across as a paranoid crazy mother who trots her child off to the hospital at any sign of a sniffle.  

And then today is the election day here in Canada and everyone knows just how exciting elections are.  Except that this is Canada and we seem to have them rather often, in which case they rather lose their thrill.   But I have been enjoying the commercials, the one’s where they rip the other parties to shreds, or the other ones where they get all emotional and stirring and promise us that their party will FINALLY make a difference or that Canada just won’t reach it’s potential unless THEY are in power, and you know what, in the moment, I actually believe them.  I tend to get caught up in emotionalism.  But again, Jason is right there pointing out the flaws and bringing things into reason. 

And that’s why I appreciate my husband so much, because he doesn’t think like me.  I think I can explain it best by borrowing some thoughts from Debbie Pearl when she says in her book “Created to be his Help Meet” that God designed us women to be sensitive and vulnerable – we are the way because we have little children we must nurture and we have to be quick to hurt, to love and to have compassion.    Whereas God made men different, she pictures them being heavily armored.  His armour is helpful both spiritually and physically – his nature is generally more doubting, skeptical, forceful and pushy.   Men also tend to question first and believe later,  and even when it comes to spiritual issues, men can seem less ‘spiritual’ then us women because of their objectivity and lack of intuitiveness.    She also states that “As a general rule, man is ruled more by his mind than the female, who is governed more by her sensibilities”. 

And I tell you last night was the perfect example, I was getting sucked into those campaign commercials – he could see right through them.   I was ready to believe anything the news told me (not that we don’t believe Osama is dead, I do!)- he questions.  And then when I lost my mind out of fear when Sophia was sick, he was there calmly sorting things through.    How wonderful to have a husband who questions first, believes later, looks at things objectively and can help steer my heart for me when I’m unsure of what to do and in doing this guards and protects me!     And I’m happy in my role as a nurturer (and really, I’m not that gullible)  and I’m glad Jason is my shield and protector and that’s just one of the reason why I love him.